Over-the-Counter vs. Professional Teeth Whitening, NSW
If stained or discoloured teeth are making you self-conscious, then you may want to consider teeth whitening treatments that help brighten the shade of your teeth. With the range of over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions and professional dental teeth whitening services available these days, it can sometimes become difficult to determine what to choose. In this blog, we discuss the pros and cons associated with over-the-counter products and the services of a trusted teeth whitening professionals in NSW.
Contact Northern Beaches Dental today to book your dental teeth whitening appointment.
Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening
Although there are numerous at-home whitening kits available on the market, they may vary greatly in precision and efficacy. At-home kits use lower concentrations of bleaching agents that take longer to work. The results can take weeks to become apparent, and only last a short period of time. Although at-home kits allow you to whiten your teeth at your convenience, they may prove costly over time as you may require repeated treatments to get the desired results.
Here are the pros of at-home whitening kits:
● More affordable than a visit to a teeth whitening professional
● Accessible at your convenience
The cons associated with at-home whitening kits are:
● The product may not be suitable for your needs
● Takes longer to achieve the desired results
● Results are not likely to last as long as professional whitening
● Incorrect application can irritate gums
From whitening mouthwash to toothpaste and strips, the variety of options is never ending. However, the reality is that over the counter products can only light the colour of your teeth by a few shades, even after extended use.
Professional Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening professionals specialise in the precise application of bleaching agents to provide you with the results you’re looking for. Dental clinics have access to state-of-the-art technology designed for teeth whitening, and precision dental tools ensure that the whitening is even for all your teeth.
The pros of professional teeth whitening at Northern Beaches Dental are:
● High-concentration bleaching agents offer results over a shorter period of time
● Professionals can whiten your teeth significantly more than over-the-counter products can
● Quality control is a guarantee with professionals. You can rest assured that the effects will be consistent and long lasting
● Your gums and teeth will be completely protected with a professional by your side
The cons of professional teeth whitening are:
● Not as convenient as over-the-counter products because you will need to visit a dental clinic
● More costly than at-home products
Teeth Whitening Experts in New South Wales
If you’re looking for precise, long-lasting results from a tooth whitening procedure, look no further than Northern Beaches Dental. We use the latest teeth whitening agents and tools to significantly lighten the shade of your teeth. Contact us today for more information on tooth whitening services in Sydney.