Simple Tips to Prevent Getting Cavities
At Northern Beach Dental, we believe that the best way to avoid visits to the dentist is to take a proactive approach to dental health. They say that “prevention is better than cure”, with that in mind, here are a few useful tips that could help keep your teeth and fillings clean to prevent toothaches and cavities.
What is a Cavity?
Nearly everyone has had one, but most people are unaware of how and why cavities are caused. A cavity is a small hole in the tooth that occurs when the hard outer layer of the tooth, also called the enamel, becomes damaged. Cavities form slowly, so are difficult to notice until they begin to cause pain. A serious cavity can require a procedure known as a root canal.
How to Prevent Cavities
- Brush Your Teeth: The best ways to tackle a problem are sometimes the least exciting. There is no doubt that brushing your teeth, twice a day, properly, plays a significant role in preventing cavities. Use a brush that is not too hard, or too soft, and be sure to clean the front, back, and biting surface of your teeth to dislodge food debris that could cause bacterial growth and tooth decay.
- Floss Daily: While brushing correctly twice a day goes a long way in improving dental health, flossing your teeth will get rid of food debris which is harder to reach. Cavities are caused by food that is stuck in the gaps between your teeth, so make sure to floss daily to clean your teeth as thoroughly as possible.
- Diet: Most of us consume a wide range of foods each day, many of which are likely to contain processed ingredients such as sugar. Not only does a clean diet promote tooth and gum health, but also reduces exposure to corrosive ingredients which can wear away at the enamel. Good dental health is all about prevention, so keep drinking non-sugary drinks throughout the day, staying hydrated to prevent build up of food between your teeth.
- Dental Sealants: In addition to the preventive measures we’ve mentioned above, we also recommend opting for dental sealants. These are protective layers of coating that fill in pits and fissures, preventing food debris from collecting inside these gaps and causing decay and plaque. While sealants are commonly used for children’s teeth, as they provide added protection during the growth of permanent teeth, they can be highly beneficial for adults too.
Visit Your Dentist
At Northern Beaches Dental, our approach to dental health is all about prevention and minimal surgical intervention. To ensure that your road to optimal dental health is painless and easy, we recommend booking regular, check-ups which allow our expert healthcare professionals to identify potential problems early and keep them at bay! Contact us today for more information on general oral health, advanced dental procedures and adult braces. Book an appointment online, or contact us today at 02 9190 6925 to have a chat!