The Link Between Oral Health and Pregnancy in Sydney
During pregnancy, the body goes through significant changes that may have an impact on oral health. As scientific research discovers more about the link between oral health and overall health, dentists are better equipped to advise pregnant individuals on how to care for their oral health to ensure a healthy pregnancy. At Northern Beaches Dental, we work closely with patients going through pregnancy to create personalised oral care plans. If you are experiencing toothache during pregnancy or painful pregnancy gums, contact us today in NSW.
Effects of Pregnancy on Oral Health
Changes in progesterone and estrogen levels can alter the pH balance and bacterial balance in the mouth, leading to increased risk of dental issues.
During pregnancy, eating habits vary greatly, leading to consumption of foods that could be high in sugar and starch. The sudden changes in diet can lead to bacterial growth which greatly increases the chances of tooth decay.
A person’s usual oral hygiene habits may be interrupted during pregnancy and result in less frequent brushing and flossing.
Oral Health Problems in Pregnancy
Oral Lesions
Increased levels of gastric acids in the oral cavity, often caused by morning sickness can lead to erosion of tooth enamel. The changes experienced by the digestive system during this time can lead to acid reflux and the use of antacids can further increase exposure to acids that are detrimental to dental health and a known cause of oral lesions.
Caries is a dental condition that is caused by the fermentation of carbs in a person’s diet. The fermentation process produces an acid that degrades the enamel and leads to toothache during pregnancy. If left untreated, dental caries can lead to severe oral health problems such as a dental abscess and facial cellulitis. A strong oral hygiene routine is the best way to wash away harmful acids that compromise tooth enamel.
Pregnancy Gingivitis
Pregnancy gingivitis is a common condition that causes inflammation of gum tissue. Hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to direct changes in oral bacterial balance and may suppress immune function. This combination makes the person more susceptible to infection, especially when an individual’s normal oral hygiene routine is interrupted. If you are experiencing sore gums during pregnancy, Northern Beaches Dental recommends scheduling a dental appointment to identify the problem and begin treatment immediately.
Painful pregnancy gums do more than just cause discomfort. Bad bacteria can enter the bloodstream and airways, leading to other health conditions that could have a negative impact on foetal health.
Gum Disease and Tooth Decay Treatment in New South Wales
At Northern Beaches Dental, we firmly believe that securing your oral health is the first step towards safeguarding your overall health. Contact us today for an in-depth look at the link between pregnancy and oral health in NSW.